So here I am, finally with two weeks off (!) to rest up and work on the Manatee. I don't have any pictures of recent progress yet, but I do have other pix.
One of the great things about my job is that I get to see and try out all kinds of cool gear that guests bring. Let's face it: they have a lot more money than I do. And so I have decided what my next camera purchase will be: a Canon Powershot D-10. Any old point-and-shoot will do for your run-of-the-mill photography needs, but it takes a good camera to shott well underwater. And I don't want to deal with housings. This camera takes great shots above the surface, is shallow-water proof, and take dynamite underwater pix. I'll give you a few examples from Mike (last name temporarily lost) who let me download his data card to this computer. Here are a few of Mike's better shots...
This is from the inner chamber of the "Cave of the Stone Sepulchre" Actun Tunichil Mucnal
More tomorrow...
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